Iris Advantage, for a transformation roadmap
Iris Advantage benefits from 40 years combined experience in all areas of IT and across a wide range of industries. The directors’ most recent experience has been on IT strategy development and implementation, enterprise architecture and program management.
Mr Goncalves started this venture after working for leading consultancies and realizing that some clients can benefit from a more direct delivery approach. He led highly effective teams that managed architecturally complex tasks on time and budget.
Iris Advantage delivery builds on broad experience that spans Business, Applications, Technology and Data Architecture domains, supported by a deep appreciation of technical and operational aspects, yet prioritizing the business goals. We work transparently and with independence of judgement, focusing on helping our clients with strategic IT options, feasibility assessments and roadmaps. We value diversity, collaboration and are guided by business value outcomes (see Our Values). Where we feel we are not well equipped to assist our clients, we suggest alternatives, leveraging a network of experts.
Our Name
Iris was the rainbow goddess that linked gods with humans. When gods quarreled or one lied, Zeus sent Iris to the river Styx in the Underworld to fetch the gods’ oath in a golden jug.
Iris Advantage also serves as a smart messenger, constantly learning from the lake that is the IT R&D ecosystem. Often multiple options exist to deliver a new capability. So in collaboration with your leadership, we help agree the innovation delivery roadmap, and the entire enterprise is energised, avoiding analysis-paralysis.
How we work
Iris Advantage deploys diverse and innovative approaches that, optimally selected based on the context, help to accelerate business innovation.
These include techniques that enable cost effective testing, during the selection phases. They are also relevant to the development of the initial concept for as long as the idea is seen to be valuable, which we assess in collaboration with the business.

Can I set a strategy in motion without an architecture?
Sure, if you need to
Do I need an architecture to set an IT strategy in motion?
Yes, to avoid rework..